von Huret, mit Trousseau, 43 cm, ca. 1865
$ 20.000
Bild:© by
Lot # 378
17" Lovely French Porcelain Poupee By
Adelaide Huret With Trunk And Trousseau 12,000/15,000
17" (43 cm.) Porcelain shoulder head with
rounded facial shape, painted facial features, cobalt blue upper glancing
eyes, painted upper eyeliner, arched feathered brows, accented nostrils and
eye corners, closed mouth with center accent line, wheat blonde human hair
over cork pate, all wooden body with elaborate articulation including
dowel-jointing at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees, and swivel
waist. Condition: generally excellent, body is Huret albeit of later vintage
than head. Comments: Adelaide Huret, circa 1865. Value Points: included with
the rare doll is a domed canvas covered wooden trunk with lift-out trays,
containing an extensive trousseau of several gowns, several coats and
jackets, undergarments, muff, hankies, and two lovely bonnets, one in hat
box labeled Maison Huret Boulevard Montmartre Paris.
